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[브랜드 소개] 팩스턴프로덕츠, PAXTON 대리점 리스트

브랜드 소개

by 코머신 2021. 9. 9. 09:11



Paxton Products has continued to lead the industry in blower innovation through the years, culminating in the introduction of the most efficient 10–20 hp blowers in the world in 2016: Paxton’s PX-Series Ultra High Efficiency Centrifugal Blowers. In 2019, Paxton launched the 3–7.5 hp PX-series blowers, improving efficiencies for these smaller, lower horsepower models, making the full Paxton line ultra-efficient.


팩스턴프로덕츠 대리점 리스트

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(주)지에스컴퍼니 경기도 화성시 팔탄면 율암길95번길 70-26





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