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[브랜드 소개] 아이크론, ICRON 대리점 리스트

브랜드 소개

by 코머신 2021. 9. 14. 09:23


아이크론 (ICRON)

Extend USB and Video Connections up to 10km with ExtremeUSB® Icron is a Maxim Integrated brand, as well as the leading manufacturer of USB and video extension solutions for commercial and industrial markets worldwide. Our patented plug-and-play ExtremeUSB® technology is the global platinum de facto extension standard.


아이크론 대리점 리스트

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업체명 주소
다트비전 서울시 금천구 디지털로 9길 99, 스타밸리 401호(가산동)





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