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[브랜드 소개] 스캔콘 대리점 리스트

브랜드 소개

by 코머신 2021. 9. 17. 09:14



SCANCON Encoders A/S is a privately-held manufacturer of incremental and absolute encoders located in Hillerød, Denmark. The company was founded in 1973 as an engineering design firm. However, it quickly expanded it’s expertise in designing EX-Proof encoders to include offering a full range of encoders. Over the years, the company has continued to design and manufacture innovative encoder and encoder-related products.


스캔콘 대리점 리스트

Ctrl+F 를 눌러 찾고자하는 업체 또는 지역명을 검색하세요.


업체명 주소
(주)삼정오토메이션 경기도 화성시 동탄면 동탄산단4길 9-34(445-810)
미스틱타이 부산광역시 부산진구 전포대로 195





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