Agricultural machine manufacturer, Powered seeder, Seeder for tractor and more
Thinking of nature and mankind
SINHWA PRECISION Inc. Co. specializes in the manufacturing of seeding machines. Since
its foundation in 1993, we have developed technology and furthered competition of
agriculture by creating modernized seeding machines. We pride ourselves in the
mechanization of dry-field farming.
For the past 20 years SINHWA’s seeder has developed a good reputation and satisfaction
of worldwide customers due to our quantity of seeds and adjustment to the seeding
As well, SINHWA continuously upgrades the powered seeder (self-propelled seeder),
which can save manpower up to 80%. In addition, there can be a cost savings of
50%~70% for purchasing seed. The powered seeder an be considered an essential tool.
Thanks to good performance and quality of the SINHWA seeder, the export volume has
increased over each year for not only the domestic but the overseas market as wee\ll.
The SINHWA seeders export to China, United States of America, Taiwan and Mongolia
SOMETECH, Korea | Komachine Supplier (0) | 2021.10.14 |
SHIN HEUNG ENG, Korea | Komachine Supplier (0) | 2021.10.14 |
SHINHO SYSTEM, Korea | Komachine Supplier (0) | 2021.10.14 |
SSCAN TECH, Korea | Komachine Supplier (0) | 2021.10.14 |
SHINMYUNG TECH, Korea | Komachine Supplier (0) | 2021.10.14 |