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[브랜드 소개] 아사히세이코, 아사히 대리점 리스트

브랜드 소개

by 코머신 2021. 10. 15. 10:06


아사히세이코 (ASAHI SEIKO)

We established our company in 1928 as a manufacturer of ball bearings. In 1951 we started manufacturing Ball Bearing Units (Insert Bearing Units) for the first time in Japan. Since then, as the pioneer, we have contributed to standardization of ball bearing units (insert bearing units) themselves including the quality standard. After 1975 we started other new products like Mechanical Clutches, Air Clutches/Brakes and Linear Motion products.


아사히세이코 대리점 리스트

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업체명 주소
(주)종로아이앤티 서울특별시 종로구 종로3가 130 화영B/D 1005호





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