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[브랜드 소개] 메이지기계제작소, 메이지 대리점 리스트

브랜드 소개

by 코머신 2021. 10. 15. 10:41



We, at MEIJI, have been developing air compressors, painting apparatus, painting equipment, and so on, and tackling an unlimited energy resource - “air” - for more than 80 years since its inception, pursuing the possibility of making full use of the unlimited resource and the possibility of energy cost savings, and we are proud of the fact that the pursuit has obtained excellent results.


메이지기계제작소 대리점 리스트

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업체명 주소
미성산업 대구시 북구 유통단지로16 산업용재관 23동 17~18호 (산격2동 1629번지)





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