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[코머신 특별 등록 업체] TECHPAP, 센서, 실험 장치, 실험 장비 등

코머신 VIP기업

by 코머신 2021. 12. 22. 11:05



센서, 실험 장치, 실험 장비 등



Techpap is a commercial company founded by the French Research Center for Pulp & Paper (CTP) to market Laboratory equipments and on-line sensors

On Line HR3D
NIR Moisture & Plastic
PI Dirt&Shives

PI Color&Brightness
PI Freeness
PI Fiber Morpholgy
Pulp Inspector (PI)
Dirt&Shives Analysis
Web Break Supervisor
Edge Crack Detector
2D Formation Sensor
Dirt analyser for large size samples
Lab HR3D
3D Stick
Slosh Box
Calipack Migration Cell
Humidity Generator
Paper Stability&Creeping
Fiber Orientation Analyzer
Mottling Sensor-Kheops
2D Formation Sensor
Laboratory Dirty Analyzer
Fiber Wall Thickness
Fiber&Shive Analyzer - MorFi Neo
Laboratory Equipment
Handsheet Retention Tester
Dynamic Handsheet Former
Techpap is a commercial company founded by the French Research Center for Pulp & Paper (CTP) to market Laboratory equipments and on-line sensors

Techpap has now more than 20 years of experience producing & selling equipments around the world for the Pulp & Paper Quality monitoring and Process optimization

Techpap can rely on the expertise and leading research groups of those 2 Institutes : CTP & INPG-PAGORA located in Grenoble France

기업 연락처

홈페이지 https://www.techpap.com/

전화번호 +33-4 76 51 74 75

메일주소 techinfo@techpap.com



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