상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

(주)삼진JMC, 밸브 생산업체

코머신 일반기업

by 코머신 2021. 4. 20. 10:10


오일, 가스, 석유화학용 밸브 등 생산 업체



Ever since its establishment in 1991, SAMJIN has developed into one of major valve manufacturers in Korea. Our success in the industry is heavily indebted to your support and encouragement.


Through continuous product development and technology enhancement, we will continue to work hard to repay our customers' love and support.


We would especially strive hard to become a leading brand in the valve industryin both the domestic and global market.


We hope you will continue to cheer us on and support us as we develop into an innovative companyof greater value and success.


코머신, 아시아 넘버원 기계산업 온라인 플랫폼






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